10 May 2011

New webbox now online

I have now managed to get the new webbox to update data to the website.

The link is http://www.sunnyportal.com/Templates/PublicPageOverview.aspx?page=8a8df88c-86da-42f7-9497-65d2257a8432&plant=a90e1031-e03b-4882-96fd-96a1c4209705&splang=en-GB

Hopefully this one will last a little longer than the last one. It has back dated all the way to the 4th May 2011.

I will have to set up the pages again which should be done fairly soon.

4 May 2011

New box arrives from SMA

This morning I received an email from SMA about the replacement box they were sending. to me with a tracking number.

When I entered the number into the system it said it couldn't be delivered due to an inaccurate address. After trying to get through to somebody to speak to they said it only had a postcode on it. After talking to them I arranged for the parcel to be redelivered in the morning.

After getting back from the sailing a neighbour came over with a parcel. He had been up to the depot for another reason and when he said he was from the street they asked if he knew me. As he said yes they gave it to him.

The box has now been installed. From initial interaction it would appear that the box is uploading data to the Sunny Portal website. I have gone through the registration process again but haven't received the access email yet to set up the website, so I can't check it out or set it up. Hopefully the email will arrive sometime soon.

New payment by EON for 2nd quarter 2011

This morning I have received another set of FIT from EON for generation between 25th Jan 2011 to 25th April 2011.

The paperwork contained two letters, one for the old tariff rate of 42.8p/kWh and the other for the new rate of 44.85p/kWh.

The first payment is for 488 kWh between 25th Jan 2011 to 30th Mar 2011 = (488 x 41.3) + (0.5 x 488 x 3) = £208.86

The second payment is for 188 kWh between 1st April 2011 to 25th April 2011 = (188 x 43.3) + (0.5 x 188 x 3) = £84.31

This makes a total of £293.17.